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Travel News, November, 2005

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Badrinath shuts down for winter

     Badrinath (Uttaranchal): The ancient Hindu temple of Lord Badri Narayan, which is also known as Badrinath Dhaam, has shut down for the winter. Located at a height of 10,248 feet above sea level, Badrinath is in the Tehri-Garhwal hill tracks (Uttarakhand), the temple is visited by hundreds of thousands devotees every year .The route to Badrinath is one of the most arduous due to the lofty hilly terrain, curves and cliffs amidst the most scenically beautiful place on the earth. The temple's present structure was built by the Kings of Garhwal about two centuries ago. The temple has three sections - Garbhagriha (Sanctum), The Darshan Mandap, and Sabha Mandap. The Garbhagriha (Sanctum) houses Lord Badri Narayan, Kuber (God of wealth), Narad Rishi, Uthavar, Nar & Narayan. As per the ritual established by Lord Brahma, the temple would be open for six months from Hindu calender month Vaishaka to Karthik for "Darshan"(or, holy glimpse of Lord) to common people. For the remaining six months i.e from Margashsish to Chaitra the temple would be closed for "Darshan" for common people as it is Devas turn for Lords darshan. As per the established norms or rituals the pujas (worship) have to be conducted without a break and therefore the Utsavars (or, the bronze images of Lord) are taken with all reverence to Pandukeshwar, the abode of Lord Badrinarayan during winter. On the day of re-opening of the main shrine at Badrinath these images are brought back for Puja and Darshan.

      Badri trees grew in abundance in this region, so in time, this place came to be known as Badrikashram. The visit to this temple is a great delight. Lord Badri Narayan, also called as Badri Vishal, is armed with Shankh (Conch) and Chakra in two arms in a lifted posture and two arms rested on the lap in Yogamudra.The principal image is of black stone and it represents Vishnu seated in meditative pose. The temple also houses Garuda vahana, the vehicle of Lord Narayana and Goddess Mahalaxmi. Besides it has the idols of Adi Shankar, Swami Desikan and Ramanujan Guru-Shisya tradition is believed to have its roots here.The temple opens at the end of April month and closes round mid-November every year.
-Nov 19, 2005

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