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May 27, 2012

Airbus to provide extra-large seats to extra-large passengers

     Washington: Airbus has announced plans to provide extra-wide seats for overweight passengers, even as the number of fat Americans creeps up. According to the Daily Mail, the leading French aircraft manufacturer decided on the plans as one-third of the population is currently obese, with the figure expected to reach 42 percent by 2030. Two 20-inch seats will be installed on each side of the aisle, sacrificing the space for three regular 18-inch seats on board the A320, on Boeing aircraft standard seats are 17 inches. Extra-large passengers will be able to purchase extra-large seats at an added cost, which will likely prove lucrative to the air travel industry. The plan is the latest moneymaker after it was announced that some airlines would charge for carry-on luggage or for adjacent seats. A woman, Kenlie Tiggeman, had filed a lawsuit against Southwest after she was told she was too fat to fly and would have to buy another seat.
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