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September 23, 2010

Hundreds of people throng Gaya to pray for their ancestors' salvation

Gaya:Hundreds of people thronged the holy town of Gaya to pray for the salvation of their ancestors. The 15-day period of 'Shraad Paksha', a period during which people remember their ancestors, will start on Thursday. People will perform 'Pind Daan' or 'Shraad', which are rituals for the dead. Many believe that this ritual will relieve their ancestors of their sins and break the cycle of their reincarnation. "If any person performs this ritual of 'Pind Daan' here once, there is no need of doing it again and again. It is like a prisoner is released from jail, once and for all," said Swami Raghavacharya, a Hindu priest. "The specialty of this place is that once the ritual is performed here, there is no need to do it again. It is mentioned in the ancient texts also," said Krishna, a devotee. Faithful devotees offer cots, food, utensils and clothes to the priests. People later take dip in the Phalgu river before offering rice and flowers in gratitude to their ancestors.

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